Reasons why I hate gangster rap.
First off I want to say, I've listened to rap from the popular stuff that comes out to the older stuff that was Later 80s to early 90s. I want to say not all rap is bad, and some is GOOD. The thing isn't a matter of 'hating black people', or hating any race. I do my best not to judge anyone, and I know I'm not racist, cause I hang out with Africans to Mexicans to Asians to any type of race. The thing I hate is not the old rap, it's the new one. The one that's mainly mainstream, not the stuff that hasn't been played.
"...hoping no one had yet said what it turned out Jerry had said already, so I could be the first one. Oh well. I agree with ya though, Jerry...though rap was once spirited and fun back in the '80's, when it was taken far less seriously and "Gangsta" rap hadn't yet descended upon us. Gimme The Fat Boys, Run DMC, DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince, and MC Hammer from his first two albums any day."
There was a Yahoo news report, and one hip hop rapper said, "You don't know a genre till you've listened to it's roots." Well I have listened to the roots, and dislike like the top part, not the roots. The stuff you don't see is good, and the stuff you do see is bad. This gives a bad name to rap, and hip hop.
"Despite your beliefs, you DO need vocal talent to become a successful rap artist. Guys like 2pac, Snoop, Ice Cube and even Eminem have distinct voices and rap styles which is why they are successful. Not everyone who raps is good at it."
Vocal talent isn't true, unless you're changing your voice. Lil' Jon gets paided just to make beats. If he makes a beat, he gets paid over $1000, is that talent? No, it's not.
Is everyone good at rap? No, that's obivious, not everyone can rock, not everyone can do country, not everyone can do anything. This is were ALOT of stereotypes come. The pharse, "White people can't jump." is from this kind of stuff. It's not hard to make the stuff Lil' Jon does if you have the computer software, as Goodie stated. It's when you have to use it like Poetry, and have to come up with off the top of your head.
"The extemporaniety was the key element; those guys were the most amazing right-off-the-top-of-their-head wordsmiths! I admired the hell out of them. I listen to rap every now and then, by getting the cds from the library.
I'm always dissappointed, comparing the brainless repetetive garbage that passes for rap now with the sheer verbal artistry, the dazzling brilliance I used to hear in the streets of NYC."
Though streets of NYC is not where was always there, but this is the type of Rap that's good. The type were instead of fighting, instead of wasting time of killing gang violence when there is no reason to fight. They came up with a good way of settling difference, though putting down is easy, but you won't like everything of one thing. Even if some of it is still messed up, I don't think people should make of them if they don't know them (Your mom jokes piss me off the most, excluding them actually being jokes), so maybe it wasn't all good. Though it's better than people dying, and it was creative.
"I would like to see a "rap hater" go out to the urban areas where rap music is constantly being played and tell those young kids that they have no real talent if they rap and that the artists they listen to are no good and talentless. That will go over real well....."
This wasn't a good comment, it's like saying, "Walk up to a cop, and call him a pig. Than offer to buy a him doughnuts, and coffee." Well obiviously if you go to a Gangster place, and say, "You suck." there not going to be happy.
"I wish you could meet Dr. Dre and tell him he has no talent for creating music. I wish you could meet Snoop and tell him he has no vocal talent. You would be laughed off the face of the Earth...."
You took this to personal which means you are making yourself lose a debate. When you take things to the point of trying to insult the other person with out a reason behind it, excluding getting mad. Than you are not doing so good. Als I'd gladly tell Snoop dog, he should stop being gangster, and please rap to help out. Though he'd probably try to say I was nobody, or that my mom is something of hore. Than I'd only feel that I was more right, and people would laugh, but it's only cause the people around are in that gangster fade.
"I do find it hard to understand why people would hate something and think they know so much about the "talent level" of rap artists if they never actually listened to the artists. Guys like 2pac and Ice Cube actually rap about the ills of society and have made songs that are positive. But, rap haters wouldn't know that because they do not listen to their songs."
But I have listen to there songs, both sobber, and not. The only time I thought it was good was when I wasn't sobber, and I haven't heard a postive rap song from 2pac, or Ice cube. You can give me some, I'll pull lyrics, and be happy to either agree, or disagree. Though mind most time people create a song that they say is good, it's usually just cause someone makes them feel bad. Than they continue, being hypocritical to that song.
"Ticklerguy4u, you are right. This is exactly what this thread is about. I want people to whine, complain, bitch, rant and give every reason why they hate rap. I hope it makes their soul feel better...."
It's not right to rant in others thread, I don't know about it, and don't really blame you for being mad. Though to say that your mad, because they disliked it is like saying you've never done it. Which we all have one time, or another. People want to state there opinion bad, or good. If you don't like it, you should state for people who don't to make another thread, or ask them to not.
"By the way, if you do criticize a pro athlete, it is helpful that you are an athlete, otherwise how can you judge someone's athletic skills? I don't watch soccer, and you'll never hear me criticize any soccer player for their athletic skills. Become familiar with a topic before you criticize it, otherwise you can look stupid."
....Just cause I'm not an athlete, doesn't mean I can't say. "Wow this guy isn't to great." Maybe I feel he should pratice more, and try harder. Maybe I've watched a ton of soccer to know how he should be doing, or I've educated myself on it by reading about it. There are ways besides being an athlete. I can't draw, but I can tell others how there art looks.
"I can see why people wouldn't like hip-hop because of the things that are rapped about. However, when they are rapping about these things they are just telling us about their lives somewhat. Some rap artists were involved in drugs, violence & other things before they were put on. They know nothing else other than these things so thats what they rap about. They could be more creative but I don't have a problem with hearing about those types of things. Hot music is hot music and I don't really care what they are rapping about. I like many types of music, current and past, and I can listen to all forms of hip-hop/rap."
If my life was about me killing people, stealing, doing drugs, disregarding women, and other stuff. Than I say it's good, or even if that's all I know so I just say that's my story. I think that's not thought out, anyone can do it. Trying to say how bad it is, and how we need to get better than it is much harder when you grew up in that life style, and are a part of it.
"I don't think anything of the opinion of people who don't listen to rap. Funny how these people want to slam rap but don't know a damn thing about it. People who like rap even notice it's flaws and express the same negative sentiments that have been posted in this thread. It's just that people here are posting completely ignorant statements w/o fully understanding what they are speaking about. I feel the same way about these people you see on TV (CNN, FOX News, etc.) trying to tell us why hip-hop is bad. There are other art forms that express real HATE music but you never hear anyone complaining about them. There are rock artists and groups who express advocate violence and racism in their music. I wouldn't make a general statement about a music genre based on a few songs, especially if I don't listen to that type of music extensively. I don't like country music, but I respect the fact that they have great, legendary musicians who are worthy of being recognized as such. I wouldn't dispute a claim by anyone who wants to tell me that a certain country musician is one of the all-time greats, because I don't listen to the music. Hip-hop is much bigger than what is heard on the radio or seen on TV, but most of you will never understand."
It's funnier how most of these people are listeing to Mainstream, and telling you that's what they hate. Though it's not general, but some people might dislike general they don't hate it. By dislike, it just not being in there taste. There statements aren't ignorate, and how would you know. Do you know these people? Do you know they haven't listen to rap music, and just heard one song, or something? It's true there are bad rock bands, and country music, and other types. Though the difference being, that rap happens to have a bad rap, one since it went in a new direction of its older self. I don't listen to alot of country music, I don't know any large names, but I dislike certain songs I've heard. Though I like certain ones to, but when I want to joke about one song I've heard. When I don't that ONE songs name, I use country music. Though it doesn't mean I fully hate, dislike, and completely utterly think country sucks. Sometimes one song ruins the bunch, sometimes it doesn't.
"rap from years and years ago was very tame in comparison to the more recent years, and the fact that parents let their kids listen to it (the same parents who bitch and moan about the violence in video me, i know some of those people) without really blinking bothers me."
This is sad, but true. Also it's Gangster rap again.
another thing that bothers me about rap is that the vast majority of the fans that listen to it have the innate need to blast it out of their speakers as they cruise oh-so-slowly through the streets, as if the neighborhood wishes for that kind of "entertainment". i do my best to ignore it, but sometimes the bass is set to the point that it sounds like the car is rattling apart as it ambles down the road."
Has anyone heard a rock song, a country song, or any other song coming from outside someone elses car? I've heard metal, but that, and only rap. The bad gangster rap again.
"I've been listening to hip-hop since 1979. I admit the rappers talk about a lot of negitive things in their music but I've never heard a raper talk about or glorify rape. Why would you want to rape a woman when women everywhere are throwing themselves at you??? I even asked my little brother (he's 30 btw) whom I consider " the Hip-hop God", had he ever heard a raper talk about rape. He couldn't think of one artist that did.
Question: I find it very interesting that so many White folks dislike or despise hip-hop when, according to record sales, that the majority of people(aprox 70 percent) who purchas hip- hop are white. Why is that?? Remember hip-hop was underground in the black commuinty for many years. These guy's and girls didn't get rich off of black folks..
Further more, why has cooporate america jumped on the hip-hop band wagon? Every movie trailer and soda commercial has a hip-hop theme to it. Just wondering....."
I think there was a song, or two. Though I have no idea the name, I remember hearing it. Though the reason rape comes into play, is because gangsters rape alot. When you say women throw them at you, I do see alot of sluts, harlets(*****s), and other women who always have something bad about them doing it. That's Gangster rap again.
Your talking about Gangster rap with sales. Most rap that does get money is cause it's a fade. It's one of those music genres where the mainstream kinda went not so good. Though when it's popular alot of white people did puchase it, I won't say 70%. That seems to high to me, maybe 55%ish.
Last few things, alot of rockers do drugs. Which I admit is incredibly uncool. Though rockers themselves don't have MUSIC with alot of straight out saying, "Drugs are good." Some songs have inuendo. Which is a huge difference, why you ask? That's cause when it goes on mainstream, unless it's pretty obivious, most kids over 14 usually know. Though kids under don't. With rap, theres nothing, it's just plain says it. Mind you there is inuendo on some songs. Though it's made it WAY to easy, and to the point were kids that are 10 and under say words they shouldn't. Kids not in highschool are trying to be Gangster, they are trying to do these things.
With sex, I'm cool with trying to get down, and all. Though inuendo comes into play, and most of the time Gangster rap is basically *****s. Which means when it's fade, every girl out there tries to become one. This in turn makes any woman's hard work at trying to make women gain rights go down the toliet in my opinion. It's kinda the same for race, but not so much. I feel that when Gangster rap was really became a huge part of my everyday life, which it is. I feel that it makes that race sound lower, and less intelligent. Don't get me wrong, but it makes any one man who stood up for his race's rights seem to go down the toliet. It makes me wonder why people can even still try to make race such an issue, when people tried so hard to get rid of it. I feel bad for those who spent there LIFEs trying to make that race become equal, all to have people piss on it.
I'm not saying anyone's opinion is wrong, but you have to draw a line somewhere. Gangster rap isn't cool, and in no way needs to be around. Rap from 80s to 90s(early) is fine, and good.
No offense to anyone, but I'd like to point out a friend once told me rap standed for, "Retards Attempting Poetry." Though I don't think it's intirely true with all people, I can understand were it came from. Thought I should share that detail. Any good rap in my book is hip hop. Anything as rap is usually bad.
Hope I didn't offend people, I tried not to.